These chicks are unsexed and sold as straight run.
Originating from Southeast Asia, Hmong chickens stand out in any flock, combining beauty with practicality. They have a calm temperament, good egg production, and a hardy nature.
Hmong chickens are medium-sized birds, with their most distinctive feature being their contrasting, varied wild-type feather colours, which have a beautiful, iridescent sheen. This breed also has dark fibromelanotic (fibro) skin, a trait shared by a few other chicken breeds, such as the Silkie and Mosaic.
Hens are good layers, producing around 150 to 180 eggs per year, with medium-sized eggs in cream or light brown colours. Whether you’re looking to add diversity to your flock or seeking a reliable egg layer, the Hmong chicken is an excellent choice.
Hmong chick
Price per chick (1). Very limited availability for 2025. If sold out, sign up for the 'back in stock' email notification as we update our site regularly.